In the Community

Community Events

From neighborhood beautification to annual walks, Together Place is working to help our community. Join our community events to help make a difference.

Community Activity Funds

Together Place Peer Run Recovery Center believes in the value of community involvement and understands the importance of social interaction for personal enjoyment and growth. We have funds that allow each person up to $100 per year from April 1 to March 31.

For more information, call Jacquie at 941-2935 or email

“The Bangor Daily News is thrilled to provide a media sponsorship to Together Place Peer Run Recovery Center. We have made a point of describing and seeking solutions to substance use challenges in Maine through both our reporting and events, and see this sponsorship as an extension of that work.”

– Bangor Daily News, Creative Initiative Sponsor

Stories of Maine Exhibit

Our curated Stories of Maine exhibit, Maine’s only museum of arts and literature, displays 68 images and stories of Maine writers and artists, some of which touch on an artist’s experience with recovery.

Neighborhood Revitalization

Once run-down, Together Place Peer Run Recovery Center is now an uplifting community asset. Two large colorful murals of Maine athletes and historical icons adorn the outer walls of our building and have become community landmarks.

Together Place is taking a leading role in community development through the arts and neighborhood revitalization.